Mysterious opals contain the wonders of the skies..

Lets get to know about Opals!

Opals are some of the most beautiful and unique gemstones in the world. Known for their iridescent hues and natural patterns, these gemstones have captured the imaginations of people for centuries. But beyond their beauty, there are some fascinating facts and surprising details about opals that many people may not know. In this blog post, we’ll explore two cool facts and a surprising detail about opals.

Fun Fact: Opals are Made of Silica Gel

Opals are formed from silica gel, which is a liquid that has been transformed into a solid through a process called dehydration. This process can occur in a number of different environments, including hot springs, volcanic ash, and sedimentary rocks. As the silica gel solidifies, it forms tiny spheres that are packed tightly together, creating the unique patterns and colors that we see in opals.

Fun Fact: Opals are Found in Only a Few Places Around the World

Opals are not found in large quantities around the world, making them a rare and valuable gemstone. The majority of opals come from Australia, specifically from the states of South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales. Other countries where opals are found include Mexico, Brazil, Ethiopia, and the United States. However, even in these locations, opals are not easy to find, and the best specimens can be quite rare and expensive.

Surprise!: Opals Can Actually Lose Their Color

While opals are known for their beautiful colors and patterns, it may surprise some people to learn that these gemstones can actually lose their color over time. This can happen if the opal is exposed to heat, light, or chemicals, which can cause the silica spheres to expand or contract, altering the way that light is reflected through the stone. In some cases, this can cause the opal to become dull or even completely lose its color. As a result, it’s important to take proper care of opals to ensure that they retain their beauty over time.

Opals are a fascinating gemstone with a unique history and some surprising properties. Whether you’re a collector or simply appreciate their natural beauty, it’s clear that opals are a true wonder of the natural world, and my personal favorite!

Sade S

Express Ya'self!

What’s that whole thing they say about using art to express yourself. Well this one is perfect, I’m sure somebody pissed me off this day and I was just tired of reminding them how I felt. This is something you can wear when you just put your two weeks in at your sucky job, or if customers have been pissin you off OD! Even in a corporate setting when your co-worker won’t stop bother you. I can also make this say “F*ck Off” 😉

Check this one out in my sweet shop for $18 doll hairs. (Disclaimer: I mean dollars.. not actual doll hairs, I’m not requesting doll hairs… yet)



Sade S

Collection Vibes

So, after a short hiatus.. I return with HEAT.

I’ve been going back and forth with self about creating a collection of my own.. mostly because I’m very indecisive and have a super hard time sticking to set themes and styles so this will be a challenge for me as an artist and a person. (Libra problems)

The collection I’m working on will be a space to hone in on some ideas i’ve always wanted to express as wearables. I’m leaning towards more of an everyday style things people can wear with whatever while incorporating some statement pieces for date nights or just because. Oh, yeah its gonna be jewelry! I know I make a lot of things and dabble in a lot of creative ventures but its time to pay ode to my hands and my degree lol and create mini wearables.

Below are some of the pieces I’ve been playing around with to give me collection vibes. I’m gravitating more to higher end materials sterling and fine silver, 14k gold filed and maybe even a guest appearance from gold!




Sooo, I whipped up a quick rendition of my stacking ring, I’m trying to add a bit of variety to the simple, minimal jewels I make and I thought this would be a great addition. But, I never know what to name things, right now lil baby is listed as ‘u ring’ and thats just so pathetic lol! Help me out ya’ll what would be a good name for this?


Sade S.

Makers be like.. 🔨


Been working on some more gems and decided to post my process on a ring I've been selling pretty well 😍

It really needs a name, so if you got ideas let me know but for now lil’ baby is

‘Black Onyx Eye’


Soooooo below is what my studio desk will look like in the finishing stages of this ring.

Flat nose pliers

Hand cut 20/22g sheet brass eye

Round wire Ring band - sz 7

Black onyx cabochon

Pre-made bezel (I'll do a post about how I do these soon!)

Couple small files and sand paper.


I sell these babies for $57 bucks over on my etsy page if you fancy an eye. 🖤💍


Keep checking back for more dope projects I'll be posting!

Sade S.